HLW8110 – HLW8112

I’ve been working lately with this chip, the 8110 version with the 8 pins. It is a nice, more capable unit than the company’s successful energy metering chips, namely HLW8012 and HLW8032. Those two are used in many devices, most notably in the Sonoff smart home range, for power and energy consumption monitoring. Manufacturer is Hiliwi (or maybe Hiliwei), a […]

KiCad to NeoDen part 2

In a previous post, I tackled the conversion of a CAD program (KiCad) output position file, to the pick and place machine’s (NeoDen 4) needs. The script I provided there did a great job in formatting the .CSV output file according to Neoden input requirements, and converting the component coordinates from the kicad reference to the p’n’p machine’s work space […]

KiCad to NeoDen

At work we have a new Pick n’ Place machine, a NeoDen4 for small production batches and prototypes. It has many nice features, and some naggin’ quirks too. One of the latter is the way it imports the positions file from the PCB design software. The best approach so far is a back and forth procedure as I will describe […]

New SSL/TLS certificate

Hello, I have installed a new certificate to my domain. Now you can visit the site using https: instead of http: protocol. I am using the free letsencrypt service. Edit 6-March: I am trying to enforce https protocol for all connections. Let’s see if there will be any problems… Have fun, Theodore