My personal all-around blog
My personal all-around blog

Happy New Year

Hey, it’s already 2015!

As 2014 was reaching to its end, I was getting more and more busy, like all the things left behind the hole year were coming on to me. Like Everything wanted to pass an important milestone and Everything was looking to me for a helping hand. As for me, I was mostly spending time with my kids and family… or I was trying to. I did very little just for me all this time, like the things mentioned in this site so far, but it was a fulfilling end of the year nevertheless.


I am not into new year resolutions.

In fact I dislike them. In some aspects of my life I am a procrastinating type of person. There is a saying around here that goes something like: “Don’t leave for tomorrow what you can do today”. For me, it is something like: “Don’t postpone today what you can postpone tomorrow”.

But life just continuously pushes me. I think I live in interesting times, things are happening fast, and it seems to me that the world is notably changing under my gaze. The most interesting thing of course is the interaction with my kids, it’s awesome. As for the other interesting things, the problem is the same as the blessing: they are so many of them! Oh! How much I would like a Time Turner, like Hermione Granger’s… And screw the Novikov principle!

So things will happen when it’s their time to happen, surely not sooner.

As for resolutions, I would so much better like to talk about instrumentation resolutions or even image sensors resolutions, as photography is another of the good things in life.

Just have fun, enjoy life, and I hope and wish, for this year to be better than the one left us, for everybody.



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