The following document shows an application of a PIC12F1572 μC. It is schematic and source code of a diesel Generator Set meter. It measures the output voltage and frequency of the Gen-Set and then sends the values to the rest of the system through an optocoupler. It is not a general use device, it only shows the way I chose […]
3 posts
I have changed my mind regarding the project I had started with LoRa modules. I will use it as part of a commercial product for the company I am working for, and since this product will need certification, I decided to change and choose another module. I will leave HopeRF’s RFM9xW in favor of Microchip’s RN2483. RFMs are cheaper but […]
We all know Microchip, right? When i read about Microchip adopting LoRa technology last August, I was expecting something interesting, and it seems I was right. Microchip already had solutions based on almost every wireless technology known to man (MiWi -their own thing-, WiFi, Bluetooth, Bluetooth LE, ZigBee, and some more 2.4 GHz and sub-GHz modules). Not having a solution […]