I’ve been working lately with this chip, the 8110 version with the 8 pins. It is a nice, more capable unit than the company’s successful energy metering chips, namely HLW8012 and HLW8032. Those two are used in many devices, most notably in the Sonoff smart home range, for power and energy consumption monitoring. Manufacturer is Hiliwi (or maybe Hiliwei), a […]
This is a board that converts the pressure in a pipe created by the level of a liquid above the pipe’s entrance, linearly, to a voltage of 0 to 10 volts and simultaneously a loop current in the range of 4 to 20 mA. It can be used with small effort as a meter, or together with a PLC or […]
In a previous post, I tackled the conversion of a CAD program (KiCad) output position file, to the pick and place machine’s (NeoDen 4) needs. The script I provided there did a great job in formatting the .CSV output file according to Neoden input requirements, and converting the component coordinates from the kicad reference to the p’n’p machine’s work space […]
The following document shows an application of a PIC12F1572 μC. It is schematic and source code of a diesel Generator Set meter. It measures the output voltage and frequency of the Gen-Set and then sends the values to the rest of the system through an optocoupler. It is not a general use device, it only shows the way I chose […]
At work we have a new Pick n’ Place machine, a NeoDen4 for small production batches and prototypes. It has many nice features, and some naggin’ quirks too. One of the latter is the way it imports the positions file from the PCB design software. The best approach so far is a back and forth procedure as I will describe […]
Hello people. This time I will give you one of my menu systems for graphic liquid crystal displays. I have made graphical menus in the past with a more project oriented approach, once-off, but I ended up spending time redoing the same functionality. This one I made it to be more reusable and it seems promising. It is difficult to […]
I have changed my mind regarding the project I had started with LoRa modules. I will use it as part of a commercial product for the company I am working for, and since this product will need certification, I decided to change and choose another module. I will leave HopeRF’s RFM9xW in favor of Microchip’s RN2483. RFMs are cheaper but […]
I understand from what I ‘ve read lately, that LoRa technology is gaining on, and in places overtakes competing solutions, in WAN deploying solutions. This is true especially in outdoors applications, but with good penetration in buildings and good and easier to achieve network stability, as below sources show, the future seems very promising. Deploying a Wide Area Network for […]
We all know Microchip, right? When i read about Microchip adopting LoRa technology last August, I was expecting something interesting, and it seems I was right. Microchip already had solutions based on almost every wireless technology known to man (MiWi -their own thing-, WiFi, Bluetooth, Bluetooth LE, ZigBee, and some more 2.4 GHz and sub-GHz modules). Not having a solution […]
Lately I was playing around with a kit I had bought from ICStation: MAX7219 Dot Matrix Module Control Display DIY kit. I liked it and bought it because it is compact, small and cheap. I got 4 pieces a couple of months ago, and soldered them the same day I got them! Other obligations took my mind off them and […]