My personal all-around blog
My personal all-around blog

My LoRa modules now have a PCB (in the making)

I worked a bit on this project on the National Holiday of the 28th of October.

I designed a simple PCB with through-hole parts.

Here you can find the project files if you want to modify it with KiCAD: RFM92W

If you just want to replicate it as is, here are the Gerbers

I will have the PCB made soon and I will post any updates here.

The PCB will look like this:


It will work with a 9V battery. It utilizes a PIC16F1829 that I have from a project at work, and has the basic stuff: ICSP for programming, SMA connector for the antenna, 4 buttons and 3 LEDs for Input – Output.

I also made a 3D model for the model in Wings, well, I just modified one similar by Walter Lain, You can have it and use it under Creative_Commons_BY_SA as the original work: RFM9X_W.wings

It looks like this:



I am not an expert in Wings, but I think It resembles the module pretty much.

I am open for comments, suggestions, whatever…



Well, have fun until I come back

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