My beloved JVC GR-D73E stopped working!
I really enjoyed having and using this beautiful machine. It was a compact, capable, elegant, well made piece of technology.
It had captured so many happy family moments, it was with us in many key events in my family’s life.
I asked around, the man who used to service them in my city retired many years ago. There are no replacement parts easy to find and are expensive if you do. That’s what I heard.
Well, I have another video camera, there is no need to fix that old one, even if it died 5 tapes before I had all of my old tapes on disk. I can always give the tapes to some guys doing this service to earn a living, and have the videos delivered in a USB stick.
I just want to keep it working, that machine deserves a good treatment.
I will try to open it and repair it myself if I can. I will update this post with my experience on this.
Chin up!